Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
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Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
We explore non-equilibrium many-body dynamics in quantum systems that experience symmetry-breaking, topological, or jamming transitions. These systems encompass superconductors, charge-density wave, and magnetic materials.
The research is conducted within the “Light and Matter” research program. The interaction of light with matter is one of the most important fields of physics and optical processes are indispensable in many branches of modern industry.
Are you searching for an exciting and innovative topic for your seminar, summer work, or perhaps for a Masters or Diploma research? Check available topics an start your research journey with us.
We are searching for talents! If you are searching for PhD position, if you are a motivated postdoc or senior researchers, check open positions and proposed research topics.
We strongly believe that collaboration helps provide opportunities. We collaborate with other research institutions, businesses and industry. Learn here about our associates and how to become our partner.
Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Contact us and we will answer you as soon as possible.
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