Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dynamics of Quantum matter

We explore non-equilibrium many-body dynamics in quantum systems that experience symmetry-breaking, topological, or jamming transitions. These systems encompass superconductors, charge-density wave, and magnetic materials.

Experimental Soft Matter Physics

The research is conducted within the “Light and Matter” research program. The interaction of light with matter is one of the most important fields of physics and optical processes are indispensable in many branches of modern industry.

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January 26, 2023
A team from University College London in Great Britain and dr. Gašper Kokot from the Complex matter department at „Jožef Stefan“ Institute have published an article titled „Fabrication of High-Aspect Ratio ...
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Holographic scattering in photopolymer-dispersed liquid crystals
M. A. Ellabban, M. Fally, Hana Uršič Nemevšek, Irena Drevenšek Olenik

Applied physics letters, 87 (2005)

Tribological properties of Mo-S-I nanowires as additive in oil
L. Joly-Pottuz, F. Dassenoy, J. M. Martin, Daniel Vrbanić, Aleš Mrzel, Dragan Mihailović, W. Vogel, G. Montagnac

Tribology letters, vol. 18, no. 3 (2005)

A systematic study of femtoecond quasiparticle relaxation processes in La[sub](2-x)Sr[sub]xCuO[sub]4
Primož Kušar, Jure Demšar, Dragan Mihailović, Sunji Sugai

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 72 (2005)

Comprehensive photophysical studies of polyfluorenes containing on-chain emissive defects
Christoph Gadermaier

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 72, no. 4 (2005)

Vortex matter in the charged Bose liquid at absolute zero
Viktor V. Kabanov, Alexandre Sasha Alexandrov

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 71 (2005)

Two-step field-induced singlet dissociation in a fluorene trimer
J. Cabanillas-Gonzalez, Christoph Gadermaier

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 71, no. 15 (2005)

Upper critical field and specific heat of cuprates
Viktor V. Kabanov, V. N. Zavaritsky, Alexandre Sasha Alexandrov

Journal of superconductivity, vol. 17 (2004)

Femtosecond pump-probe polarization dependent investigation of relaxation dynamics in YBa[sub]2Cu[sub]4O[sub]8
Damjan Dvoršek, Viktor V. Kabanov, Jure Demšar, Janusz Karpinski, S. M. Kazakov, Dragan Mihailović

Journal of superconductivity, vol. 17 (2004)

Transport dynamics and superconductivity with mesoscopic Jahn-Teller pairs
Dragan Mihailović, Viktor V. Kabanov

Journal of superconductivity, vol. 17 (2004)

Giant paramagnetism in Li-doped Mo-S nanostructures
Dragan Mihailović, Zvonko Jagličić, Robert Dominko, Aleš Omerzu, Aleš Mrzel

The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, vol. 65 (2004)

High-temperature fibres composed of transition metal inorganic nanotubes
Maja Remškar, Aleš Mrzel

Current opinion in solid state & materials science, vol. 8 (2004)

The photophysics of organic semiconducting nanospheres: a comprehensive study
T. Piok, Christoph Gadermaier

Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 389, no. 1-3 (2004)

Dynamics of higher photoexcited states in m-LPPP probed with sub-20 fs time resolution
Christoph Gadermaier

Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 384, no. 4-6 (2004)

Field-emission properties of quasi-one-dimensional NbO[sub]x crystals
Marko Žumer, Vincenc Nemanič, Bojan Zajec, Maja Remškar, Aleš Mrzel, Dragan Mihailović

Applied physics letters, vol. 84 (2004)

Direct measurement of polaron binding energy in AMno[sub]3 as a function of a site ionic size by photoinduced IR absorption
Tomaž Mertelj, Marko Hrovat, Danjela Kuščer, Dragan Mihailović

Journal of superconductivity, vol. 17 (2004)

Materials for polymer electronics applications semiconducting polymer thin films and nanoparticles
U. Asawapirom, Christoph Gadermaier

Macromolecular symposia, vol. 212 (2004)

Performance evaluation of pulsed photothermal profiling of port wine stain in human skin
Bincheng Li, Boris Majaron, John A. Viator, Thomas E. Milner, J. Stuart Nelson

Review of scientific instruments, vol. 75 (2004)

Observation of thermal fluctuations of disclination lines in anematic liquid crystal
Alenka Mertelj, Martin Čopič

Physical review. E, vol. 69 (2004)

Structures and phase transitions in thin free standing films of an antiferroelectric liquid crystal
Marjetka Conradi, Mojca Čepič, Martin Čopič, Igor Muševič

Physical review letters, vol. 93 (2004)

Laser trapping of small colloidal particles in a menatic liquid crystal : clouds and ghosts
Igor Muševič, Miha Škarabot, Dušan Babič, Natan Osterman, Igor Poberaj, V. Nazarenko, Andriy Nych

Physical review letters, vol. 93 (2004)

Port wine stain treatment with a dual-wavelength Nd : Yag laser and cryogen spray cooling : a pilot study
Uroš Ahčan, Peter Zorman, Dejan Recek, Simon Ralca, Boris Majaron

Lasers in surgery and medicine, vol. 34 (2004)

Accurate measurement of blood vessel depth in port wine stained human skin in vivo using pulsed photothermal radiometry
Bincheng Li, Boris Majaron, John A. Viator, Thomas E. Milner, Zhongping Chen, Yonghua Zhao, Hongwu Ren, J. Stuart Nelson

Journal of biomedical optics, vol. 9 (2004)

Computational model to evaluate port wine stain depth profiling using pulsed photothermal radiometry
Bernard Choi, Boris Majaron, J. Stuart Nelson

Journal of biomedical optics, vol. 9 (2004)

Optical diffraction gratings from polymer-dispersed liquid crystals switched by intergdigitated electrodes
Irena Drevenšek Olenik, M. E. Sousa, Gregory Philip Crawford, Martin Čopič

Journal of applied physics, 96 (2004)