Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

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Finite wave vector Jahn-Teller pairing and superconductivity in the cuprates
Dragan Mihailović, Viktor V. Kabanov

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 63 (2001)

Critical exponents at the ferromagnetic transition in tetrakis(dimethylamino)ethylene-C[sub](60) (TDAE-C[sub](60))
Aleš Omerzu, Madoka Tokumoto, Bosiljka Tadić, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review letters, vol. 87 (2001)

Femtosecond spectroscopy of correlated-electron 1D-structures : a comparison of (Y,Ca)Ba[sub]2Cu[sub]3O[sub](7-[delta]) and K[sub](0.3)MoO[sub]3
Dragan Mihailović, Jure Demšar, Viktor V. Kabanov

The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, vol. 62 (2001)

Photoinduced IR absorption in WO3 : determination of the polaron binding energy
Tomaž Mertelj, Dragan Mihailović

The European physical journal. B, Condensed matter physics, 23 (2001)

Imaging the interlayer interactions of multiwall carbon nanotubes using scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy
Abdou Hassanien, Aleš Mrzel, M. Tokumoto, D. Tománek

Applied physics letters, vol. 79 (2001)

Fermi electron wave packet interference images on carbon nanotubes at room temeprature
Abdou Hassanien, M. Tokumoto, Polona Umek, Dragan Mihailović, Aleš Mrzel

Applied physics letters, vol. 78 (2001)

Amplified spontaneous emission from a soluble thiophene-based oligomer
M. Anni, Christoph Gadermaier

Applied physics letters, vol. 78, no. 18 (2001)

Mechanism of ferromagnetism in TDAE-C[sub](60) : ESR study under pressure
K. Mizoguchi, M. Machino, H. Sakamoto, M. Tokumoto, T. Kawamoto, Aleš Omerzu, Dragan Mihailović

Synthetic metals, vol. 121 (2001)

Spontaneous formation of horizontal chevrons in smectic-C* liquid crystals
G. Strangi, D. A. Coleman, J. E. Maclennan, Martin Čopič, N. A. Clark

Applied physics letters, 78 (2001)

Measurement of heat flux and heat transfer coefficient during continuous cryogen spray cooling for laser dermatologic surgery
Guillermo Aguilar, Wim Verkruysse, Boris Majaron, Lars O. Svaasand, Enrique J. Lavernia, J. Stuart Nelson

IEEE journal of selected topics in quantum electronics, vol. 7 (2001)

Glasslike character of molecular ordering in discotic lyomesophases
Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Lea Spindler, Martin Čopič, H. Sawade, D. Krüerke, G. Heppke

Physical review. E, 65 (2001)

Aging of surface anchoring and surface viscosity of a nematic liquid crystal on photoaligning poly-(vinyl-cinnamate)
Mojca Vilfan, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Alenka Mertelj, Martin Čopič

Physical review. E, vol. 63 (2001)

Influence of ions on the "V-shaped" electro-optic response of ferroelectric liquid crystals
Martin Čopič, J. E. Maclennan, N. A. Clark

Physical review. E, 63 (2001)

Structural properties of the ferrielectric phases of a chiral liquid crystal revealed by dynamic light scattering
D. Konovalov, H. T. Nguzen, Martin Čopič, S. Sprunt

Physical review. E, 63 (2001)

Absorptive dynamic diffraction gratings in a dye-doped nematic liquid crystal
Martin Čopič, T. Kosa, P. Palffy-Muhoray

Molecular crystals and liquid crystals science and technology. Section A, Molecular crystals and liquid crystals, 359 (2001)

Cryogen spray cooling in laser dermatology : effects of ambient humidity and frost formation
Boris Majaron, Sol Kimel, Wim Verkruysse, Guillermo Aguilar, Karl Pope, Lars O. Svaasand, Enrique J. Lavernia, J. Stuart Nelson

Lasers in surgery and medicine, vol. 28 (2001)

Er:YAG laser skin resurfacing using repetitive long-pulse exposure and cryogen spray colling, II. Theoretical analysis
Boris Majaron, Wim Verkruysse, Kristen M. Kelly, J. Stuart Nelson

Lasers in surgery and medicine, vol. 28 (2001)

Er:YAG laser skin resurfacing using repetitive long-pulse exposure and cryogen spray cooling, I. Histological study
Boris Majaron, Kristen M. Kelly, B. Park Hyle, Wim Verkruysse, J. Stuart Nelson

Lasers in surgery and medicine, vol. 28 (2001)

Influence of nozzle-to-skin distance in cryogen spray cooling for dermatological laser surgery
Guillermo Aguilar, Boris Majaron, Karl Pope, Lars O. Svaasand, Enrique Lavernia, J. Stuart Nelson

Lasers in surgery and medicine, vol. 28 (2001)

Characterization of holographic polymer dispersed liquid crystal transmission gratings
Mojca Jazbinšek, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, Marko Zgonik, Adam K. Fontecchio, Gregory P. Crawford

Journal of applied physics, vol. 90 (2001)

Alignment of nematic liquidcrystals on poled photopolymer films
M. W. Kim, A. Rastegar, Irena Drevenšek Olenik, M. W. Kim, Th. Rasing

Journal of applied physics, 90 (2001)

Theoretical and experimental analysis of droplet diameter, temperature, and evaporation rate evolution in cryogenic sprays
G. Aguilar, Boris Majaron, W. Verkruysse, Y. Zhou, J. Stuart Nelson, E. J. Lavernia

International journal of heat and mass transfer, vol. 44 (2001)

Combining two excitation wavelengths for pulsed photothermal profiling of hypervascular lesions in human skin
Boris Majaron, Wim Verkruysse, B. Samuel Tanenbaum, Thomas E. Milner, Sergey A. Telenkov, Dennis M. Goodman, J. Stuart Nelson

Physics in Medicine & Biology, vol. 45 (2000)

Influence of an external electric field on structure in surface-stabilized smectic-C chevron cells
Nataša Vaupotič, Vladimir Grubelnik, Martin Čopič

Physical review. E, vol. 62, no. 2 (2000)