Dr. Dragan Mihailović, a leading researcher in the field of quantum systems at the Jožef Stefan Institute (IJS), has successfully won the third project of the European Research Council (ERC), HIMMS (High-Resolution Imaging of Metastable States). The project, worth 2.5 million euros and designed for a five-year duration, focuses on the investigation of hidden metastable states in quantum materials. The central goal is the development of innovative high-resolution methods for tracking the movement of individual electrons in matter in very short time intervals. With this, the dynamics of electronic arrangements in quantum systems will be studied at a level that has not been reached so far. The HIMMS project, which will take place in cooperation with the IJS and the Nanocenter, has the potential to improve the fundamental understanding of quantum processes and consequently influence the development of quantum technologies such as quantum computers. Mihailović’s success in obtaining ERC projects additionally consolidates the reputation of the Slovenian scientific community in the international field.
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