Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dynamics of Quantum matter

We explore non-equilibrium many-body dynamics in quantum systems that experience symmetry-breaking, topological, or jamming transitions. These systems encompass superconductors, charge-density wave, and magnetic materials.

Experimental Soft Matter Physics

The research is conducted within the “Light and Matter” research program. The interaction of light with matter is one of the most important fields of physics and optical processes are indispensable in many branches of modern industry.

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December 15 - 19, 2024 , Krvavec, Slovenia
Together with the Department of Theoretical Physics at JSI we are organizing the 13th Nonequilibrium Quantum Workshop. The workshop intends to bring together scientists working in the field of: Ultrafast ...
Home / Work with us / Quantum simulations using quantum annealers, neutral atoms and quantum gate base…
Diploma thesis, Masters thesis | Dynamics of Quantum Matter

Quantum simulations using quantum annealers, neutral atoms and quantum gate based computers

Contact: Jaka Vodeb, Dragan Mihailovic, Viktor Kabanov


The development of quantum computing across several technologies and platforms has reached the point of having an advantage over classical computers for an artificial problem, a point known as ‘quantum advantage’. As a next step along the development of this technology, it is now important to discuss ‘practical quantum advantage’, the point at which quantum devices will solve problems of practical interest that are not tractable for traditional supercomputers. Many of the most promising short-term applications of quantum computers fall under the umbrella of quantum simulation: modelling the quantum properties of microscopic particles that are directly relevant to modern materials science, high-energy physics and quantum chemistry. This would impact several important real-world applications, such as developing materials for batteries, industrial catalysis or nitrogen fixing. The objective is to study what kind of quantum simulation can be performed not only on future fault-tolerant digital quantum computers but also already today through special-purpose analogue quantum simulators and digital NISQ devices.