Prof. Dr. Boris Majaron
I am a Scientific Advisor at Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana and Professor of Physics at University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. After having obtained my Ph.D. degree in Physics from University of Ljubljana in 1993, my research interests have gradually shifted from laser physics and optical spectroscopy of solid-state laser materials toward biomedical optics. Within the later, I have studied thermo-mechanical laser ablation of hard and soft biological tissues, and innovative medical laser treatments, also including cryogenic sprays. My current activities include noninvasive characterization of human skin and select pathologies using pulsed photothermal radiometry and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy, combined with inverse Monte Carlo analysis. In addition, I am working on development of all-optical tomography based on photothermal radiometry and novel micro- and nanoparticles for bioimaging and targeted therapy. I have served on the Editorial Boards of Scientific journals (Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, Int. Journal of Thermophysics) and am currently a member of Scientific Committees for International Conference on Photothermal and Photoacoustic Phenomena (ICPPP), and Photonics in Dermatology and Plastic Surgery (part of Biomedical Optics Symposium at Photonics West).