Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dynamics of Quantum matter

We explore non-equilibrium many-body dynamics in quantum systems that experience symmetry-breaking, topological, or jamming transitions. These systems encompass superconductors, charge-density wave, and magnetic materials.

Experimental Soft Matter Physics

The research is conducted within the “Light and Matter” research program. The interaction of light with matter is one of the most important fields of physics and optical processes are indispensable in many branches of modern industry.

For students

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March 25, 2025
At the opening of the 33. Days of Jožef Stefan, Dragan Mihailović presented a lecture on the self-organization of quantum systems. He discussed how symmetry, topology, causality, and space-time fluctuations shape the ...
Home / Dynamics of Quantum Matter / Development of Ultrafast X-ray Spatial Light Modulator

Development of Ultrafast X-ray Spatial Light Modulator

Based on our recent discovery of extremely fast laser-triggered lattice reconfiguration in a layered charge-ordered material we are developing the first-ever ultra-efficient tunable light modulator, which works in extreme UV and soft X-ray spectral range. We are investigating the mechanisms for unusually strong lattice deformation, which accompanies the laser-induced electronic phase transition and methods for implementing phenomena in the shape of a full-fledged spatial light modulator.

Highlighted on the topic:

  • Igor Vaskivskyi, Anze Mraz, Rok Venturini, Gregor Jecl, Yevhenii Vaskivskyi, Riccardo Mincigrucci, Laura Foglia, Dario De Angelis, Jacopo-Stefano Pelli-Cresi, Ettore Paltanin, Danny Fainozzi, Filippo Bencivenga, Claudio Masciovecchio, Dragan Mihailovic, A high-efficiency programmable modulator for extreme ultraviolet light with nm feature size based on an electronic phase transition, Nature Photonics (2024). DOI: 10.1038/s41566-024-01389-z