Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dynamics of Quantum matter

We explore non-equilibrium many-body dynamics in quantum systems that experience symmetry-breaking, topological, or jamming transitions. These systems encompass superconductors, charge-density wave, and magnetic materials.

Experimental Soft Matter Physics

The research is conducted within the “Light and Matter” research program. The interaction of light with matter is one of the most important fields of physics and optical processes are indispensable in many branches of modern industry.

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May 14, 2024
In the ferroelectric nematic phase, spontaneous polarization order is long-range, while the material retains fluidity which allows for changes in the soft electric polarization structure to be generated by material ...
Home / Articles / Page 13


Dynamics of higher photoexcited states in m-LPPP probed with sub-20 fs time resolution
Christoph Gadermaier

Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 384, no. 4-6 (2004)

The photophysics of organic semiconducting nanospheres: a comprehensive study
T. Piok, Christoph Gadermaier

Chemical Physics Letters, vol. 389, no. 1-3 (2004)

High-temperature fibres composed of transition metal inorganic nanotubes
Maja Remškar, Aleš Mrzel

Current opinion in solid state & materials science, vol. 8 (2004)

Giant paramagnetism in Li-doped Mo-S nanostructures
Dragan Mihailović, Zvonko Jagličić, Robert Dominko, Aleš Omerzu, Aleš Mrzel

The Journal of physics and chemistry of solids, vol. 65 (2004)

Transport dynamics and superconductivity with mesoscopic Jahn-Teller pairs
Dragan Mihailović, Viktor V. Kabanov

Journal of superconductivity, vol. 17 (2004)

Femtosecond pump-probe polarization dependent investigation of relaxation dynamics in YBa[sub]2Cu[sub]4O[sub]8
Damjan Dvoršek, Viktor V. Kabanov, Jure Demšar, Janusz Karpinski, S. M. Kazakov, Dragan Mihailović

Journal of superconductivity, vol. 17 (2004)

Upper critical field and specific heat of cuprates
Viktor V. Kabanov, V. N. Zavaritsky, Alexandre Sasha Alexandrov

Journal of superconductivity, vol. 17 (2004)

Direct measurement of polaron binding energy in AMno[sub]3 as a function of a site ionic size by photoinduced IR absorption
Tomaž Mertelj, Marko Hrovat, Danjela Kuščer, Dragan Mihailović

Journal of superconductivity, vol. 17 (2004)

Materials for polymer electronics applications semiconducting polymer thin films and nanoparticles
U. Asawapirom, Christoph Gadermaier

Macromolecular symposia, vol. 212 (2004)

Electronic structure of subnanometer diameter MoS[sub]2-I[sub]x nanotubes
Anna ZImina, Stefan Eisebitt, Mirko Freiwald, Stefan Cramm, Wolfgang Eberhardt, Aleš Mrzel, Dragan Mihailović

Nano letters, vol. 4 (2004)

Air-stable monodispersed Mo[sub]6S[sub]3I[sub]6 nanowires
Daniel Vrbanić, Maja Remškar, Adolf Jesih, Aleš Mrzel, Polona Umek, Maja Ponikvar-Svet, Boštjan Jančar, Anton Meden, Barbara Novosel, Stane Pejovnik, Peter Venturini, Jonathan N. Coleman, Dragan Mihailović

Nanotechnology, vol. 15 (2004)

Spin polarised electrodes for organic light emitting diodes
I. Bergenti, V. Dediu, E. Arisi, Tomaž Mertelj, A. Murgia, A. Riminucci, G. Ruani, M. Solzi, C. Taliani

Organic electronics, 5 (2004)

Hole interactions with molecular vibrations on DNA
Aleš Omerzu, Matjaž Ličer, Tomaž Mertelj, Viktor V. Kabanov, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review letters, 93 (2004)

Zeros of the order parameter of the d[sub](x[sup]2-y[sup]2)superconducting film in the presence of uniform current
Viktor V. Kabanov

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 69 (2004)

Organic light-emitting devices fabricated from semiconducting nanospheres
T. Piok, Christoph Gadermaier

Advanced materials, vol. 15, no. 10 (2003)

Metallic sub-nanometer MoS[sub](1-x)I[sub]y nanotubes
Maja Remškar, Aleš Mrzel, Rosendo Sanjines, Hagai Cohen, Francis Lévy

Advanced materials, vol. 15 (2003)

Shear and young's moduli of MoS[sub]2 nanotube ropes
András Kis, Dragan Mihailović, Maja Remškar, Aleš Mrzel, Adolf Jesih, Ireneusz Piwonski, Andrzej J. Kulik, Willy Benoît, László Forró

Advanced materials, vol. 15 (2003)

Field-emission properties of molybdenum disulfide nanotubes
Vincenc Nemanič, Marko Žumer, Bojan Zajec, Jurij Pahor, Maja Remškar, Aleš Mrzel, Peter Panjan, Dragan Mihailović

Applied physics letters, vol. 82 (2003)

Addition of carbon radicals generated from organic peroxides to single wall carob nanotubes
Polona Umek, Jin Won Seo, Klara Hernadi, Aleš Mrzel, Peter Pechy, Dragan Mihailović, László Forró

Chemistry of materials, vol. 15 (2003)

Electrochemical preparation and characterisation of Li[sub]zMoS[sub](2-x) nanotubes
Robert Dominko, Miran Gaberšček, Denis Arčon, Aleš Mrzel, Maja Remškar, Dragan Mihailović, Stane Pejovnik, Janko Jamnik

Electrochimica Acta, vol. 48 (2003)

Ferromagnetism in metallocene-doped fullerenes : invited review
Dragan Mihailović

Mikrochimica acta, vol. 134 (2003)

Comment on "photoinduced changes of reflectivity in single crystals of YBa[sub]2Cu[sub]3O[sub](6.5) (Ortho II)
Jure Demšar, Richard D. Averitt, Viktor V. Kabanov, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review letters, vol. 16 (2003)

Understanding fundamental processes in poly(9,9-dioctylfluorene) light-emitting diodes via ultrafast electric-field-assisted pump-probe spectroscopy
T. Virgili, Christoph Gadermaier

Physical review letters, vol. 90, no. 24 (2003)

Unusual magnetic state in lithium-doped MoS[sub]2 nanotubes
Dragan Mihailović, Zvonko Jagličić, Denis Arčon, Aleš Mrzel, Andrej Zorko, Maja Remškar, Viktor V. Kabanov, Robert Dominko, Miran Gaberšček, C. J. Gómez-García, J. M. Martínez-Agudo, E. Coronado

Physical review letters, vol. 90 (2003)