Department of Complex Matter
Jamova cesta 39, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia

Dynamics of Quantum matter

We explore non-equilibrium many-body dynamics in quantum systems that experience symmetry-breaking, topological, or jamming transitions. These systems encompass superconductors, charge-density wave, and magnetic materials.

Experimental Soft Matter Physics

The research is conducted within the “Light and Matter” research program. The interaction of light with matter is one of the most important fields of physics and optical processes are indispensable in many branches of modern industry.

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July 12, 2024
In a new study, researchers from the University of Leeds and their colleagues Natan Osterman, Alenka Mertelj, and Nerea Sebastian have revealed two previously undiscovered polar liquid states of matter. The research, ...
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Coherent dynamics of macroscopic electronic order through a symmetry breaking transition
Roman V. Yusupov, Tomaž Mertelj, Viktor V. Kabanov, Serguei Brazovskii, Primož Kušar, Jiun-Haw Chu, Ian R. Fisher, Dragan Mihailović

Nature physics, vol. 6, no. 9 (2010)

A facile route to self-assembled Hg//MoSI nanowire networks
Valeria Nicolosi, Damjan Vengust, Dragan Mihailović

New journal of chemistry, vol. 34, no. 10 (2010)

Strong correlations in highly electron-doped Zn(II)-DNA complexes
Aleš Omerzu, Bernarda Anželak, Iztok Turel, Janez Štrancar, Anton Potočnik, Denis Arčon, Iztok Arčon, Dragan Mihailović, Hiroshi Matsui

Physical review letters, vol. 104, no. 15 (2010)

Disentanglement of the electronic and lattice parts of the order parameter in a 1d charge density wave system probed by femtosecond spectroscopy
H, Schäfer, Viktor V. Kabanov, M. Beyer, Katica Biljaković, Jure Demšar

Physical review letters, vol. 105, no. 6 (2010)

Phase slip phenomena in superconductors : from ordered to chaotic dynamics
Mathieu Lu-Dac, Viktor V. Kabanov

Physical review letters, vol. 105, no. 15 (2010)

Electron-phonon coupling in high-temperature cuprate superconductors determined from electron relaxation rates
Christoph Gadermaier, Alexandre Sasha Alexandrov, Viktor V. Kabanov, Primož Kušar, Tomaž Mertelj, Xin Yao, Cristian Manzoni, Daniele Brida, G. Cerullo, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review letters, vol. 105, no. 25 (2010)

Critical phenomena and femtosecond ordering dynamics associated with electronic and spin-ordered phases in YVO[sub]3 and GdVO[sub]3
Roman V. Yusupov, Dragan Mihailović, C. V. Colin, G. R. Blake, T. T. M. Palstra

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 81, no. 7 (2010)

Quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in spin-density-wave and superconducting SmFeAsO[sub](1-x)F[sub]x single crystals
Tomaž Mertelj, Primož Kušar, Viktor V. Kabanov, Ljupka Stojchevska, N. D. Zhigadlo, S. Katrych, Z. Bukowski, Janusz Karpinski, S. Weyeneth, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 81, no. 22 (2010)

Electron-phonon coupling and the charge gap of spin-density wave iron-pnictide materials from quasiparticle relaxation dynamics
Ljupka Stojchevska, Primož Kušar, Tomaž Mertelj, Viktor V. Kabanov, X. Lin, Guozhong Cao, Z. A. Xu, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 82, no. 1 (2010)

Large spectral shifts of electronic transitions in MoSI molecular wire dispersions as a function of bundle diameter
Damjan Vengust, Christoph Gadermaier, Dragan Mihailović

Synthetic metals, vol. 160, no. 21/22 (2010)

Molecular aggregation in liquid alcohols : vibrational spectroscopy and computer simulations
Iryna Doroshenko, Valeriy Pogorelov, Yelyzaveta Chernolevska

Vìsnik. Serìâ: Fìziko-matematičnì nauki, vol. 10/11 (2010)

The MoS[sub]2 nanotube hybrids
Maja Remškar, Marko Viršek, Aleš Mrzel

Applied physics letters, vol. 95, no. 13 (2009)

A novel hydrogen peroxide amperometric sensor based on thionin incorporated onto a Mo[sub]6S[sub](9-x)I[sub]x nanowire modified glassy carbon electrode
Hong Lin, Huiming Cheng, Xiaopei Miao, Pagona Papakonstantinou, Dragan Mihailović, Meixian Li

Electroanalysis, vol. 21, no. 23 (2009)

Ultrafast photoinduced phase separation dynamics in Pr[sub](0.6)Ca[sub](0.4)Mn[sub]O[sub]3 thin films
Tomaž Mertelj, Roman V. Yusupov, Anton Gradišek, Marco Filippi, W. Prellier, Dragan Mihailović

Europhysics letters : EPL, vol. 86, no. 5 (2009)

Localized charge inhomogeneities and phase separation near a second-order phase transition
Viktor V. Kabanov, Rinat F. Mamin, T. S. Shaposhnikova

Journal of experimental and theoretical physics, vol. 108, no. 2 (2009)

Inorganic molecular-scale MoSI nanowire-gold nanoparticle networks exhibit self-organized critical self-assembly
Jure Strle, Damjan Vengust, Dragan Mihailović

Nano letters, vol. 9, no. 3 (2009)

Fine structure in the electronic density of states near the Fermi energy of Al-Ni-Co decagonal quasicrystal from ultrafast time-resolved optical reflectivity
Tomaž Mertelj, Andrej Ošlak, Janez Dolinšek, I. R. Fisher, Viktor V. Kabanov, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review letters, vol. 102, no. 8 (2009)

Distinct pseudogap and quasiparticle relaxation dynamics in the superconducting state of nearly optimally doped SmFeAsO[sub](0.8)F[sub](0.2) single crystals
Tomaž Mertelj, Viktor V. Kabanov, Christoph Gadermaier, N. D. Zhigadlo, S. Katrych, Janusz Karpinski, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review letters, vol. 102, no. 11 (2009)

Coherent phonon dynamics in semiconducting carbon nanotubes : a quantitative study of electron-phonon coupling
Larry Lüer, Christoph Gadermaier, Jared J. Crochet, Tobias Hertel, Daniele Brida, Guglielmo Lanzani

Physical review letters, vol. 102, no. 12 (2009)

Multiple phase slips phenomena in mesoscopic superconducting rings
Mathieu Lu-Dac, Viktor V. Kabanov

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 79, no. 18 (2009)

Hot electron relaxation in the heavy-fermion Yb[sub](1-x)Lu[sub]xAl[sub]3 compound using femtosecond optical pump-probe spectroscopy
Jure Demšar, Viktor V. Kabanov, Alexandre Sasha Alexandrov, H. J. Lee, E. D. Bauer, John L. Sarrao, A. J. Taylor

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 80, no. 8 (2009)

Quantum charge transport in Mo[sub]6S[sub]3I[sub]6 molecular wire circuits
Marko Uplaznik, Boštjan Berčič, Maja Remškar, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 80, no. 8 (2009)

Temperature and fluence dependence of ultrafast phase-separation dynamics in Pr[sub](0.6)Ca[sub](0.4)MnO[sub]3 thin films
Tomaž Mertelj, Roman V. Yusupov, Anton Gradišek, Marco Filippi, W. Prellier, Dragan Mihailović

Physical review. B, Condensed matter and materials physics, vol. 80, no. 22 (2009)

Inorganic molecular wires: physical and functional properties of transition metal chalco-halide polymers
Dragan Mihailović

Progress in Materials Science, vol. 54, no. 3 (2009)